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AWS CloudDevelopment Services

Accelerate your business with our customised AWS cloud development services, ensuring rapid time to market, scalability and cost optimisation. From consulting to full implementation and support, we provide the flexibility and agility your business needs to succeed.

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Based within the UK

UK company offering onshore, nearshore and far shore delivery

Partner of the best technologies

Collaborating with industry-leading tech partners

10 years of experience

We strive to ensure customer satisfaction in every project we undertake

What are AWS cloud development services?

AWS Cloud development involves creating software solutions that operate entirely on AWS. This approach allows for the flexible building and deployment of new products. Utilising serverless capabilities within AWS also enables the huge advantage of having low cost infrastructure as serverless is primarily billed on a pay as you go model. This comes with some significant savings, especially when considering lower environments that may previously have had to be “always on”.

Cloud Development: Key principles and strategies

We have turned our attention to other issues faced by companies that need more advanced capabilities such as microservices, event-driven and other similar features. The three basic tenets of cloud development are:

  • Interconnected services

    A cloud-based application functions through a network of interconnected services (APIs). It’s important to link them effectively to ensure smooth communication between them.

  • Data organisation

    The architecture of the application should outline how to distribute data and software components across cloud servers. The proximity of these servers to your users affects the app’s loading speed, which in turn makes your business more agile and ensures greater uptime.

  • Communication pathways

    Poorly designed communication logic can lead to slow loading times, negatively impacting user experience. Start by optimising your communication process, whether through single-channel or multi-channel streaming.

Talk to our experts

Contact our team and discover the cutting-edge technologies that will empower your business.

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Our AWS Cloud Development Services

At Chakray, we excel in designing scalable and cost-efficient solutions using AWS CloudFront, AWS Lambda, API Gateway, DynamoDB and more. Our expertise ensures that your applications handle ephemeral workloads efficiently, minimising costs and optimising performance.

  • Microservices

    Our team leads in building resilient, robust systems through a microservices architecture. Utilising technologies like AWS ECS and Fargate, we develop modular, scalable applications that enhance reliability and support, independent of deployment and maintenance. We also specialise in serverless microservices, leveraging AWS Lambdas, DynamoDB and the AWS CDK to build self-contained serverless microservices that inherently scale.

  • Event-Driven systems

    We are proficient in building real-time communication systems using AWS SNS, SQS, and EventBridge. These event-driven architectures facilitate integration and responsiveness, empowering your applications in managing asynchronous events smoothly and efficiently.

  • Domain-driven design

    By applying domain-driven design principles, we model complex business domains to create software aligned with your business goals. Our approach ensures that software architecture mirrors your business processes, leading to more effective and maintainable solutions.

  • Security and compliance

    We prioritise implementing excellent security measures and ensuring regulatory compliance. Using AWS IAM, Cognito, OAuth, and JWT, we protect your data and ensure your applications comply with relevant regulations, providing peace of mind and securing your business.

  • Agile development

    Our mastery of Agile methodologies, such as Scrum and Kanban, guarantees efficient project delivery. Our command over tools like JIRA can enhance collaboration, transparency, and maintain flexibility throughout your processes to ensure delivering high-quality results promptly.

  • Infrastructure automation

    We automate infrastructure deployment using AWS CDK and CloudFormation, boosting scalability and robustness. Our expertise in Infrastructure as Code (IaC) ensures consistent and predictable management of your infrastructure, reducing manual intervention and reducing errors exponentially.

  • Continuous delivery

    Continuous delivery We ensure expedited software delivery through continuous integration and delivery pipelines. Our CI/CD practices encourage swift and confident deployments, reducing time-to-market and keeping your applications up-to-date.

  • Quality assurance

    We guarantee the reliability of your applications with full-fledged testing strategies, including but not limited to unit, integration, end-to-end, and load testing. Bolstered by robust testing frameworks, our approach ensures your software is performant and production-ready. Observability, monitoring, anomaly detection and alerting systems are created automatically using the AWS Cloud Development Kit (CDK), making sure that services are up and running without a hassle and easy to observe.

  • Documentation

    We create informative and concise documentation using tools like OpenAPI and Swagger. Our thorough documentation standards largely improve understanding and integration, ensuring your development team can quickly and effectively work with our solutions.

  • Version control

    Successful code management is important for organisation-wide collaboration and version control. Utilising Git and code repositories, we ensure your codebase is well-organised, facilitating smooth teamwork and efficient project management.

Ready to transform your business with our AWS Cloud Development Services?

Transform your business with our expert AWS Cloud Development Services. Let's build scalable, cost-efficient solutions together, contact us today!

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Our Clients

Technologies and Architecture Patterns We Work With

This categorisation helps to see how each technology fits into different aspects of development and infrastructure management.

  • Cloud services and infrastructure

  • Programming languages and frameworks

  • Deployment and containerisation

  • Architectural patterns

  • API technologies

  • Databases and storage

  • Authentication and authorisation

  • Messaging and event streaming

  • Development and project management practices

Developing industry-specific services

The custom solutions we develop speed up workflows and offer your customers quick, dependable, and secure access to services across various industries.

Fintech solutions

  • The financial services industry is perpetually challenged by the need to balance innovation with compliance, find efficient cost measures, security, and deliver exceptional customer experiences
  • The pay as you go cost model enables Fintech organisations to innovate quickly whilst not carrying the burden of paying for idle infrastructure.
  • Serverless components of AWS also include inherent security features such as Identity and Access Management and automatic encryption in transit and at rest.
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  • Designing tailored solutions to address specific retail challenges can be strenuous. Our offerings help you streamline inventory management, enhance customer engagement, automate advertising, and implement advanced analytics capabilities.
  • AWS inherently scales on demand meaning that flash sales and hot sale items can be coped with inherently and most importantly only paid for when the successful sales transactions are happening.
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Supply Chain

  • Logistics is a complex and dynamic field. Every day, processes become more complicated, and regulations continue to evolve across different regions.
  • That’s why it’s essential to develop robust processes and systems to remain flexible, compliant, and focused on customer needs in an ever-more complex operating environment
  • Serverless components of AWS also include inherent security features such as Identity and Access Management and automatic encryption in transit and at rest.
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  • Healthcare providers face issues in safeguarding sensitive patient data, patient data management and compliance with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)
  • AWS services are HIPAA compliant, helping meet those regulatory requirements. AWS also inherently handles large amounts of data without performance degradation
  • This could be data such as medical records, imaging and genomic data, all of which benefitting from AWS security features.
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Benefits of using AWS Cloud development services in your business

By leveraging the cutting-edge technologies we've listed above, coupled with our best practices, we deliver durable and scalable solutions custom-fit to your needs. Our approach guarantees functional excellence, cost efficiency, and agility for all sorts of businesses and demands. Here are the key benefits you can expect:

Excellence in microservices development

Enforcing predictability

Using a monorepo, or a version-controlled repository designed to contain many projects, Infrastructure as Code (IaC) with AWS CDK, and CI/CD pipelines with Bitbucket, businesses can strengthen the pipeline to robust deployments.

Controlling operating costs

Adopting a DevOps culture by employing automated testing and CI/CD pipelines lowers costs and allows users to have faster, secure releases.

Scalability and cost efficiency with serverless

Resource management

When services are not in use, serverless architectures help businesses scale down to zero. This cuts costs by using resources only when needed.

High availability

AWS handles resource provisioning to manage traffic spikes, so that your services remain highly available no matter the circumstance.

Focus on core business logic

Fully managed services like ECS, Lambda, and DynamoDB help companies manage all their overhead, freeing them up to concentrate on innovation and high-level decision-making whilst sending their systems into production faster, not having to worry as much about tasks at the ground-level.

Agility and cost optimisation with microservices

Independent deployments

Allows for agility and innovation through self-sufficiently deployable services.

Cost optimisation

Individually auto-scales the necessary infrastructure for every service, avoiding the costs associated with over-provisioning for the most demanding components.

Fault Tolerance

Eliminates an identified point of failure inherent in monolithic applications (the server).

Why choose Chakray?

Getting started is easy. Contact us today to discuss your requirements, and our team of experts will guide you through the process, from initial consultation to full implementation and support. We’re here to help your business succeed with our customised AWS cloud development solutions.

Choosing Chakray means partnering with a team dedicated to delivering exceptional solutions for your unique business objectives:

  • Our extensive expertise spans various industries, and we leverage the best technologies to provide innovative, future-proof solutions
  • We are committed to flexibility, rapid delivery, and high-quality results
  • Our customer-centric approach enhances user experience, security, and satisfaction.
  • From initial consultation to continual support, we offer our best-in-class services at every stage of the project lifecycle.
  • With a proven track record and a global reach, Chakray is your partner in navigating the harsh business landscape and achieving strategic goals.

Looking for reliable AWS Cloud Application development services?

See how we can help.

+44 (0) 1926 298 195


You can develop a wide range of applications using AWS cloud development services, including web applications, mobile applications, enterprise applications, microservices, event-driven systems, and serverless applications.

AWS Cloud development services offer numerous benefits, including rapid time to market, scalability, cost optimisation, enhanced security, and improved performance. They allow your business to be more agile and responsive to changing market demands.

AWS cloud infrastructure management is crucial for optimising cloud resources, ensuring security, and maximising the performance of cloud applications. This cloud-native management of services can be used to automate resource management and monitor cloud operations.

Best practices include understanding various cloud service models, designing scalable solutions, adopting microservices architecture, prioritising security, ensuring resiliency and redundancy, leveraging cloud-native services, focusing on API design, and considering multi-cloud and hybrid approaches.

To get started, you can schedule a call with us to discuss your project requirements. Our team will provide tailored recommendations and guide you through the entire development process, from planning and design to deployment and maintenance.

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